How to buy me a Coffee

First of all, thank you for considering to buy me a coffee! I'm just another programmer out there trying to contribute to the crypto space and as we all know, programmers convert caffeine into code.

So, how will you be able to buy me a coffee you may ask. Well if you think that any of the guides or tools have been helpful to you or anyone else then we're on the right track, if not tell me what you'd like to see added! Okay so I did help you out and you're feeling a bit generous, great.

Below you'll find several donation addresses which will be used by me to buy coffee. Just send a small amount towards one of them and who knows the next time you visit there is a new guide or tool available!

Donation Addresses

Bitcoin (BTC)

Ethereum (ETH)

Litecoin (LTC)

Vertcoin (VTC)


I hear you have great ideas for additions to this website. Could've used a boring, impersonal contact form, but why would we not make it personal?!